Saturday, May 21, 2022

Android Heart Disease Prediction App


As per the estimates of the World Health Organisation Heart Diseases claim nearly 17.9 million lives each year. Heart Diseases maybe of various types and typically tend to worsen as the age of an individual advances. Irrespective of the type of heart disease afflicting an individual, the benefit of early detection is undeniable. Like most diseases, detecting heart diseases at an earlier stage makes treatment easier and dramatically improves the chance of survival for an individual.

This Heart Disease Prediction Android App has been designed to help users with assessing their cardiovascular health. Based on a number of factors such as the user’s age, gender, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, etc. this system generates a prediction about the disease that the user might be suffering from. Moreover, apart from assessing their cardiovascular health, users can also find contact details of various doctors on this application. The user can search for doctors by filtering them based on their specialty.

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